Monsters and Dust

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With absinthe recently having been re-legalized, I think the search results might eventually balance out. To help this along, I decided that I might start my own absinthe company with my (our) name on the label, accompanied by his story. This might be an easier way to continue losing myself than to take some long arduous trip, since every time I google my name, I instead keep finding myself.



The week before I left Miami I posted a 500 word essay contest on the subject of “Why I should give you my Geo Metro for a six pack of beer”, to which most people responded via email with things like (original formatting): “I SURE CAN USE YOUR CAR AND KEEP IT IN GOOD SHAPE UNTILL YOU NEED IT BACK” and “Hello my name is Carlos. I was interested in knowing a little bit more about the Geo Metro. Thank you”, as well as the classic “Please tell me if you are giving the car or what?” The person who won was a guy named Jason Handelsman, who went on to be a writer at the Miami New Times.xliii He couldn’t drive stick and apparently he let it get towed from his street soon after I left. When I heard the news I regretted having given it to him, but it was almost worth the comedy of watching him stutter away from the airport, teaching himself how to drive with a manual transmission as he got on the expressway.  


San Juan.xliv